Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Reading business books recommendable

November 10, 2011
By Elias Mhegera, Opinion
IT is a well known fact that in any endeavor that a human being wants to partake there must be a clear knowledge of what are the rules of the game.

Thus Tanzanians who are said to be distracted to the books are missing a lot of "invisible business secrets." For instance it is believed that a network of people is very essential in maintaining loyal customers.

Literatures help business executives to know how to spend wisely their financial resources, enormous time, business leadership and organization. This will teach them that retreats are not for religious clerics only, but also for investors so that they do not spend on a dull business mission.

Just as it is in other fields on universal truths, even in business the situation is the same. People behaves in almost the same responses even if they are in different organizations, there are standard models to deal with employees today.

Physicians are friends who have a warm and humane way of practicing their craft, whether it is on appointments in offices or in incidental contact in conferences. They are supposed to remember every new acquaint met on a certain occasions. Business are both physical and emotional.

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