ON Saturday last week during the ceremony to mark 34 years of the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) President Jakaya disowned the controversial company Dowans and its contract altogether.
This is after so many pleas from the citizenry and from heavyweights in the Government circles. So many times the excuses have always been that a good number of senior officials in public service are ignorant of legal technicalities when signing contract.
With this kind of a situation then business studies should made compulsory courses in the secondary education syllabus, and even at tertiary institutes. This is because today business knowledge is the life blood for many activities in trying to get ahead in today's changing marketplace.
Due to the fact that employees in various sectors do not get enough salaries it is estimated that more than 60 percent of Tanzanians are involved in some sort of businesses be it big business or entrepreneurship. Even farmers and peasants need business skills in order to improve their activities.
Due to the fact that business matters are affecting all activities including politics, there is a need to empower people from all walks of life with business knowledge and legal maters related to businesses transactions.
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