Published on: Sunday,
March 2nd, 2014
By Elias Mhegera – There are many questions
surrounding the attempt by the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) to quash second
draft of the New Constitution Bill which is currently under the special
Constituent Assembly in Dodoma central Tanzania, for tabling.
Special voices in the
Judge (rtd) Amir
Manento-Chairman of the Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance
(CHRAGG), he is pro a three-tier Government
Prof Josephat Kanywanyi;
warns that the three-tier Government will weaken the Union
Law Professor Chris
Peter Maina he is pro-three-tier Government
Earlier there was much
ecstasy with the coming of this second draft, but the appointment of some party
stalwarts of the CCM did signal that there is an attempt to manipulate the
process, and there are reasons for this, analysts now say.
Although it is difficult
to come up with clear answers but one can construe the whole meaning of this
through the tug of war particularly on the nature of the Union. Although there
are many good proposals in the Bill, but now the whole discussion has drawn
attention to either two or three-tier Governments.
This has now been echoed
in various circles, starting from civil society organizations (CSOs), the
Pentecostal Churches of Tanzania (PCT) and the public at large. CCM as a party
is openly supporting the two-tier Government, opposition parties are pro-three
tier Government.
The main claim is that
the Warioba Commission also known as the Constitutional Review Commission (CRC)
had adhered, to a large extent, to the people’s wishes of formulating their own
constitution, but some politicians have been trying to reduce the entire
process to their vested interests.
One assumption is, if
the new three-tier structure is to be applied then it would be easy to remove
the CCM from power. It is argued that it is because of this reason that the
Tanzanian Government is forcing all political parties to fall within all the
two parts of the Union, Mainland Tanzania and in the Isles.
But for the Catholic
Church followers the matter is bit complicated because its’ top most leader in
Tanzania Polycarp Cardinal Pengo, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Dar es
Salaam, said it categorically that those supporting a three-tier government
were tired of the Union and ‘selfish.’
Implicitly he was
representing the RC’s stance where the Union matter is concerned, but this does
not mean that he commands an overwhelming support in this matter from all his
The point is, the
question of whether to continue with the current structure two-tier of the
Union is not conclusive in itself if one was to analyze it in line with party
affiliations or religious inclinations. There are Muslims from the Mainland who
support a two tier, likewise those who support a three-tier structure.
There are Muslims from
the Isles who support the two-tier, but a big number (if not all) supporters of
the Civic United Front (CUF) supports a three-tier Government but under special
contracts. Sympathizers of the CUF have been complaining in many occasions that
the Union Government has been assisting its wing in the Isles to win against
their presidential president Maalim Seif Shariff Hamad who has gone in the race
four times.
For them now it is the
time to escape ‘colonization’ of the Mainland through the Union. So although
supporters of the three tier are found from the two sides of the Union but
their reasons are quite diverse and not necessarily of the same nature.
Deus Kibamba –holding
the 1977 United Republic of Tanzania Constitution, Chairman of the CSOs –Jukwaa
la Katiba (JUKATA) i.e. Constitutional Forum, he is pro-three-tier Government
just like many leaders of the CSOs in Mainland Tanzania
Deus Kibamba –holding
the 1977 United Republic of Tanzania Constitution, Chairman of the CSOs –Jukwaa
la Katiba (JUKATA) i.e. Constitutional Forum, he is pro-three-tier Government
just like many leaders of the CSOs in Mainland Tanzania
This was revealed during
a recent debate by one seasoned academician who is a supporter of the
three-tier Government, as he is quoted here; “It is for the first time that
Tanzanians are going to have a constitution of their own after having been
subjected to ‘borrowed’ constitutions for a long time,” said a senior law
lecturer Prof. Chris Peter Maina, who also support a three-tier Government.
The don said this at the
Ubungo Plaza where he was a discussant at one of the constitutional forums –
jointly convened by the Konrad Adenaur Stiftung (KAS) and the Tanzania
Development Initiative Programme (TADIP) early this month of February 2014.
Similar statements have been made in other meetings.
Julius Nyerere mixing
soils of Tanganyika and Zanzibar symbolizing the Union
Julius Nyerere mixing
soils of Tanganyika and Zanzibar symbolizing the Union
Probably one of the main
consolations to sympathizers if the three-tier Government was when the Chairman
of the Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance (CHRAGG) stated openly
that he supports the three-tier form of Government, “you can quote me anywhere,
I am for three-tier Government,” he boldly affirmed.
On January 31, for
instance, the Chairman of the Constitution Forum, Mr. Deus Kibamba, also listed
a number of demands from civil society which had since been accommodated in the
new Draft Bill, saying: “We are heading towards a positive democratic
transition.” He was addressing a well attended meeting at the New Africa Hotel
Again, this forum was
orgnaised by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, (FES), the Constitutional Forum well
known for its Kiswahili name Jukwaa la Katiba (JUKATA), and the Konrad Adaneur
Stiftung which drew experts who were keen on disseminating good knowledge in
the formulation of the new constitution after having discussed it thoroughly.
Julius Nyerere and Abeid
Karume signing the Articles of the Union
Julius Nyerere and Abeid
Karume signing the Articles of the Union
During the opening
speeches, the two resident directors of the KAS, Stefan Reith and Rolf Paasch,
called on civil societies to play an active role in empowering the
Constitutional Assembly, and eventually the general public, to get ready for the referendum sometimes
later this year.
Already, there are lots
of public expectations against the backdrop of political interests. “I can
predict that three things will draw significant attention, namely, the nature
of the Union, natural resources, and the consequences of all these to the local
government authorities in the future,” Kibamba said.
Kibamba also warned that
despite apparent jubilation at the rebirth of a Tanganyika government in line
with the three-tier recommendations, this could possibly weaken the United
Republic of Tanzania as a sovereign state.
Analysts also project
that the Warioba Commission had reflected more on a three-tier government and,
if not possible, the whole process would have to be delayed because of the
structural setbacks.
Although experts insist
that discussions focus on yet unspecified ‘pertinent’ issues rather than the
nature of the Union, all attention seems to have been directed at “the Union
matter” and this was reflected by
reactions from the 201 members that were appointed by President Jakaya Kikwete
and their names were announced on February 8th, 2014.
For instance, a board
member of the Tanzania Constitutional Forum (TCF), Mr Hebron Mwakagenda, raised
concerns that some of the appointees do not belong to the civil society and that they had been appointed in order to
foster the ruling party’s agenda the
two-tier government which has been a big source of commotion between the
opposition parties and CCM.
But the National
Coordinator of the Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition (THRDC), Mr Onesmo
Ole Ngurumwa, also raised similar concerns that human rights activists had been
“It has come as a
surprise to us … when strong human rights NGOs like the Legal and Human Rights
Centre have been sidelined … this is a political agenda,” he told a news
conference that was organized by the TCF.
The mayhem of the CSOs
and a sect of the PCT tells that the draft Bill might have been exhaustive and
promising but the process of formulating a new constitution might be flawed
mid-way. Ms Gemma Akilimali, representing women interests at the debate, agreed
that the new constitution was promising and that women issues were adequately
She said through the
Women Coalition on Constitution (WCC) they had worked hard to ensure gender
equity in keeping with global protocols to which Tanzania was a signatory.
“We have formed a good
team … drawn from … the Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC), the Tanzania
Gender Networking Programme (TGNP), Women’s Legal Aid Centre (WLAC), Tanzania
Women Lawyers Association (TAWLA) and other stakeholders … the trend is
promising so far,” she commented.
Ms Rahma Bajun from the
Tanzania Youth Coalition agrees, saying that most of the demands from the youth
had been accommodated in the second draft of the Bill.
“One of the most
startling was a clause on the age of potential legislators … the first Bill had
risen to 26 … this one has gone back to 21 years, this is a positive
development,” she affirmed.
Moses Kulaba, Executive
Director of Agenda Participation 2000, approves most of the items of new draft
Bill, but is worried as to whether the new constitution will come with strong
anti-corruption mechanisms.
Also he cherishes that
it is clearly stated that the new constitution will be supreme where Union
matters are concerned.
“I am happy that this is
clearly explained but the task will be for the two governments in the
federation, that of Mainland Tanzania regardless of its new name, and that of
Zanzibar to reflect these new developments, otherwise it was so confusing
particularly after the formulation of the Zanzibar Constitution in 2010,” he
Prof. emeritus Josephat
Kanywanyi of the University of Dar es Salaam raises issues in Chapter 17 of the
Bill. “I am worried that the spirit behind many discussions on this chapter is
not to strengthen the Union, but to go separate ways,” he warned.
The elderly professor
suggested that the debates should have focused on how to reduce or remove
altogether the imbalances of the 50 years Union. It is this stance that was
once shared by Cardinal Pengo
This strong statement
could have probably been received as ‘good news’ by some ruling CCM stalwarts
where many analysts have since been identified as the main propagators of the
two-tier government — which many of the young people now active in the current
politics do not share!
But while this remained
a strong position of mainstream CCM stakeholders, the main opposition party
Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (CHADEMA) is for a three-tier government,
while another strong opposition particularly in the isles, the Civic United
Front (CUF), as mentioned earlier, supports the three-tier government but under what it calls ‘special contracts.’
“I am totally convinced
that the three-tier government will weaken the Union … this will have severe
repercussions even in the working of the new constitution itself,” remarked a
renowned academic.
Narrating the long
history of the Union, he said that it was wrong to assess the Union within the
context of happenings in 1964 but from ‘the commonality of a number of issues
prior to that.’
He chose his words
carefully, knowing that a good number of participants inside the hall supported
the three-tier system of government.
He suggested that even
if the new Union were to follow this new formula, there would be a need for
thorough discussions along it.
“I know for sure that
the Union did not survive simply because there were general acceptances on
issues, but also partly because Mainland Tanzania (Tanganyika) had projected
the supremacy of the Union than the shortcomings,” he argued.
These statements from Prof Kanywanyi which attracted a considerable attention
given his age, experience and exposure reminded the audience of what the
founding father of Tanzania, Mwalimu Julius Nyerere once warned that once the
Union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar is over there could be a breakaway of
Pemba from Unguja as well as a spill-over effect.
Similar statements were
also once made by the Second Phase President Ali Hassan Mwinyi, the Third Phase
President Benjamin Mkapa and even the incumbent Premier Peter Pinda. One can
predict that these warnings are an indication that the three-tier government
much as it is being celebrated in the Mainland, is just a lee-way to the total
crumble of the Union.
So defenders of the
Union as it is, or with minor modifications, might be differing on their vested
interests, but they can be as well sharing the final results of a demised
For instance it has been
discussed in many circles that a lot of issues surrounding the Union are never
discussed openly. While in 1964 the possible reasons could have been containing
“Communism” as it has been reported so many times, but also it was to cushion
the new Zanzibar regime from a possible ‘counter-coup’ from the deposed Sultan
Jamshid bin Abdullah.
Read more at:
But reading from the
current political development if Zanzibar was to assume supremacy then this
will entail assuming some powers which are firmly withheld in the Union fabric
particularly foreign affairs matters. Zanzibar’s sovereignty will definitely
wipe out Christianity in the two islands.
Attempts to join the
Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) on the part of Zanzibar have been
quashed twice on grounds of the supremacy of the Union Constitution which is
explicit in the Article 19, of the Constitution of the United Republic of
Tanzania, that Tanzania is a secular state.
Hence the worrisome
attitude by the Roman Catholic head in Tanzania, are compounded within attempts
by Zanzibar’s attempt to join the OIC, and this does not go without explanation
of the “fear of the unknown” read more at:
However even within the
new constitution, Union matters have retained the same test concerning joining
international organizations as it is well stipulated in the Montevideo Convention,
on the Rights and Duties of States, agreement signed at Montevideo, Uruguay, on
December 26, 1933.
Thus the Union matter is
crucial in determining the new Tanzania as enshrined in the ongoing debates.
When he was interviewed by The Guardian on Sunday exclusively, retired lecturer
from the Philosophy Department of the University of Dar es Salaam Dr Azaveli
Lwaitama had this to say, “There are shared interests between the Zanzibar CCM
supporters and their counterparts from the Mainland no wonder the appointments
of members of the constituent assembly had reflected these hidden interests”.
For him therefore there
will be a lot of manipulations in order to ensure that the three-tier structure
is quashed or the whole process of the formulation of the new constitution is
facing snags altogether. These assumptions from the don are shared again by
Olengurumwa from the THRDC.
He had this to say when
he was contacted for comments, “It is apparent that CCM’s interest will prevail
in this process, this can be detected through such appointments of ‘their’
stalwarts Kingunge Ngombale Mwiru, and Paul Kimiti, these are former Cabinet
Ministers and they do not belong to the CSOs, their subsequent penetration
leaves a lot to be desired,” he commented.
He further mentioned some CCM cadres who have been appointed to fulfill
this desire as Abdallah Bulembo, Paul Makonda and many others whose
appointments he claims has been done much to the detriment of the citizenry and
for the benefits of the CCM.
This stance is shared by
Hebron Mwakageda a staunch member of the CSOs and current CEO of the Tanzania
Coalition on Debt and Development (TCDD) who says that he has never seen Mzee
Kingunge in the CSOs for the past 20 years and his sudden emergence there as
their representative is a serious joke.
But speaking on
Zanzibar’s contribution through the Zanzibar Legal Services Centre (ZLSC), was
Jasad Bungala who says the main interests of Zanzibar in the process, at least
from the CSOs was recognition of Zanzibar’s contribution to the Union
Government, rectification of certain clauses’ in foreign affair matters, and
the Union Presidency.
Moreover, he mentioned
other aspects as the need to have an independent government from the Mainland
so that it can be conjoined with Zanzibar in forming the Union Government. He
also advanced that all borders including those in the ocean must be clearly
explained in the new Union constitution.
Probably these demands
from Zanzibar can be explained within the framework of what have been termed
several times as “kero za Muungano” (Union nuisances) particularly from the
Zanzibar side.
To mention a few of
those it is the question of the presidency which Zanzibari’s says it should be
switched in turns that once the president from the Mainland completes his
tenure they should be automatically succeeded by one from the isles.
In this particular note
the incumbent President Jakaya Kikwete from the mainland Tanzania had succeeded
Benjamin Mkapa also from the same side of the Union. While in regard to Union
borders there have been a claim that Tanzania Mainland is to extract some
minerals and gases which belongs to the Zanzibar waters and therefore in the
process trespassing the Articles of the Union.
In this bid there have
been many campaigns covertly and openly that the Union was imposed in order to
suppress Islam as a dominant religion in Zanzibar, as well as to ‘steal’
natural resources from Zanzibar including oil and gas.
In May 2006 it was
reported in the media that ten Zanzibaris had filed a case against the mainland
over the Tanzania Union agreement and the Coastal Strip, they also sued their
Attorney General and the Secretary General of the House of Representatives over
the Isles’ loss of its seat in the United Nations.
Others sued include the
secretary general of the ruling Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM) and the Speaker of
the House of Representatives for “colluding to infringe Zanzibar’s sovereignty.
“Therefore if one was to
reflect the demands by the ZLSC they were replica of these long upheld demands
of a Union framework which undermines Zanzibar’s political hegemony.
While the demands are
still hot in many circles, the media has been reminded its vital role of
amplifying this debate and set the national agenda for the sake of acquiring a
new, table and far reaching constitution according to Prof Maina, when summing
up issues at the panel discussion.
So far there has been a
lot of lobbying from various circles as there has been a general belief that a
certain sect of politicians is there to hijack the new constitution formulation
process in their interest.
photo: Deus Kibamba, Chairman of the Tanzania Constitutional Forum well known a Jukwaa la Katiba in Kiswahili, Tanzania's national language